Topsoil - Grade 2 (per yard)
Grade 2 topsoil Screened using recycled soil. Some of the soil may not be broken down and may contain particles such as small roots, rocks, weeds, sticks, stones, wood chips, etc. Grade 2 topsoil isn’t really suitable for growing plants, yet, it can be a perfect base for a construction project or a garden.
Grade 2 topsoil Screened using recycled soil. Some of the soil may not be broken down and may contain particles such as small roots, rocks, weeds, sticks, stones, wood chips, etc. Grade 2 topsoil isn’t really suitable for growing plants, yet, it can be a perfect base for a construction project or a garden.
Grade 2 topsoil Screened using recycled soil. Some of the soil may not be broken down and may contain particles such as small roots, rocks, weeds, sticks, stones, wood chips, etc. Grade 2 topsoil isn’t really suitable for growing plants, yet, it can be a perfect base for a construction project or a garden.
Uses for Grade 2 Topsoil
Filling holes in landscaping
Raising landscaping beds
Creating a base for a garden
Leveling off a garden
Installing fixtures